
Team members

Team members of MechVib are young, collaborative and very motivated Engineers that work together under the supervision of Professors in the fields of Mechanics and Vibration

Giorgio Dalpiaz

Full Professor

I am a full professor of Mechanics of Machines and Vibrations at the University of Ferrara, Department of Engineering, since September 2000. My previous positions were Assistant and Associate Professor at the University of Bologna. I am actually lecturer of the course of Mechanics of Vibrations in the Master Degree of Mechanical Engineering and the courses of Mechanics of Machines and Drive Mechanics of the Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering.
I have got the role of Scientific Director of the Advanced Mechanics Laboratory (MechLav) of Ferrara Technopole, which specifically carries out technology transfer and services for companies in Italy and abroad. In the field of NVH, among other equipments, Mechlav has got a Tri-axis Electro-dynamic Shaker and a big Anechoic Chamber.
My scientific interests and company collaborations mainly concern: advanced methods for condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines, based on vibration and acoustic emission, and NVH modelling and optimization.
Author or co-author of over 140 papers, mostly published in international journals or international conference proceedings. Coordinator of numerous projects funded by regional, national and EU grants. Coordinator of 27 research contracts with industrial companies in the last 5 years, concerning industrial research and technological transfer in the fields of NVH, optimization of the dynamic and vibration behavior, monitoring and diagnostics of machines through vibration processing. Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journals ‘Meccanica’ and ‘Shock & Vibration’.

Emiliano Mucchi

Associate Professor

I am a professor of Mechanics of Machines and Vibrations at the Engineering Department of the University of Ferrara. In this role, I am lecturer of Advanced Vibration Mechanics in the Master Degree of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ferrara and lecturer of NVH Testing for Vehicles in the Master Degree of Advanced Automotive Engineering at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
My research activity is mainly in the field of Noise and Vibrations of Machines, with particular reference to elastodynamic models, condition monitoring, diagnostics and experimental vibration measurements. Tutor of several PhD students and research assistants, supervisor of more than 80 theses of students belonging to the Mechanical Engineering Degree. In 2005 and 2007 I was guest at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven addressing researches on novel approaches for simplified FE model and vibro-acoustic experimental analyses in helicopters. I am member of the Scientific Committees of International Conferences and Reviewer for the most important journals and conferences in the field of Mechanics of Machines and Vibration. I was person in charge of 5 national and international peer review projects in the last 10 years and of about 50 research projects with private companies in the last 5 years. Author and co-author of more than 100 papers published in International Conference Proceedings, National and International Journals. Member of the Editorial Board of 5 International Journals.

Mattia Battarra


I am working as research assistant since February 2018, when I got the PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Ferrara, obtaining the “Department of Engineering UNIFE Best PhD Thesis Award 2018”.
After receiving the BSc and MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the same University in 2011 and 2013 respectively, I took part to the European project COST Action TU1105 as a visiting research student at the Dynamics Research Group, Loughborough University, UK. COST Action TU1105 was focused on the definition of NVH technics for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles. In 2016, I’ve been a Visiting Scholar at the GearLab Research Group, The Ohio State University, OH – US, with the purpose of deepening my PhD studies related modeling gear pump dynamics.
My research activity includes kinematics, dynamics and design of positive displacement pumps and dynamic models of mechanical systems.

Caterina Natali

Post Doc Research assistant

I received my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2016 and 2018, respectively, at the University of Ferrara, Italy. I also received a Master’s degree in Mécanique physique et ingénierie, Spécialité Ingénierie et Conception de Projets Industriels in 2018, at the Mechanics Department of Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France, during a Double Degree program. I performed the internship of my Master’s thesis at the Driveline Research Group of Siemens Industry Software, Leuven, Belgium, working on the validation of advanced gear contact models.
Currently, I am involved in a Ph.D. program with the MechVib Research Group at the University of Ferrara, Italy. My research activity focuses on the non-linear modelling and experimental validation of mechanical systems.

Giulia Cristofori

Ph.D. student

I received my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2017 and 2020, respectively, at the University of Ferrara, Italy.
Currently, I am involved in a research activity with the MechVib Research Group at the University of Ferrara, Italy.
My research interests mainly concern the numerical and experimental analysis of vibro-acoustical
phenomena for the optimization of mechanical components, for diagnostic and prognostic; my focus is on the Sound Power Level (SWL) evaluation in a gearmotor by means of vibration measurements.

Enrico Proner

Ph.D. student

I received my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering in 2019 and 2021, respectively, at the University of Ferrara, Italy.
I am currently involved in a Ph.D. program with the MechVib Research Group at the University of Ferrara. My research activity revolves around multi-axial vibration testing, with particular regards to fatigue damage in multi-axial vibration environments. The project aims to develop and perform innovative MIMO vibration testing methodologies to be included in the standard practice.

Damiano Chiarabelli

Ph.D. student

I've received my Bachelor's and Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2017 and 2020, respectively, at the University of Ferrara, Italy. I pursued my master thesis in Belgium, at Toyota Motor Europe, where I was part of the R&D Powertrain Evaluation group, performing NVH Testing in order to improve the sound quality of electric vehicles. Since 2020 I am research fellow at the Institute of Sciences and Technologies for Sustainable Energy and Mobility (STEMS, Ferrara) of the National Research Council of Italy. In 2021 I became a Ph.D. student, my research activity concerns the electrification of power transmissions for tractors and off road vehicles, focusing on the simulation of innovative and efficient architectures.

Luca Arpa

Research Assistant

I graduated in 2019 in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ferrara where I am currently completing my Master's Degree. Now I work as a research assistant in the MechVib group in the field of vibration analysis with focus on Vibrational Diagnostics and Modal Analysis. I also graduated in Piano Performing in 2016 at the Ferrara Conservatory and I taught music privately for several years.

Elisa Cavallina

Ph.D. student

Ala Eddin Chakroun

Ph.D student

I am currently a postdoc at the MechLav Technopole Network Laboratory at the Department of Engineering of the University of Ferrara. After 2 years in Sfax Preparatory Engineering institute and 3 years in the National Engineering School of Gabes, both located in Tunisia, I got my mechanical engineering diploma (equivalent to a European master’s degree) in 2018. Afterwards, I obtained my PhD in November 2022 that was under a cotutelle agreement between the University of Sfax, Tunisia, and the University of Cantabria, Spain.
My PhD work focused on the study of the dynamic behaviour of worm gear drives in metal-metal and metal-polymer configurations. Numerical simulations are implemented to study the dynamic behaviour through modal analysis followed by a study of acceleration and spectrum signals. Experimental tests are followed to validate the numerical results. Current research activities are mainly focused on the study of the vibratory response of a novel design of an axial piston pump.

Ilaria Rizioli

Ph.D student

I completed my Bachelor's and Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ferrara, Italy.
Currently, I am involved in a research activity about experimental analysis of the agricultural machines' behavoir.

Alessandro Artiano

Ph.D student

I have received my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Mechanical Engineering in 2020 and 2023, respectively, at the University of Naples ``Federico II``.
While studying for my MSc I developed a keen interest in the mechanisms of vibration and sound generation and their propagation in solids and fluids, as well as on their impact on the wellbeing of humans. To complete my study, I pursued a traineeship at the University of Sherbrooke, in Canada, where I had the opportunity to gain international experience and extend my knowledge in the acoustics and noise control.
Currently, I am involved in a research activity with the MechVib Research Group at the University of Ferrara, Italy.

Fabio Bortoluzzi

Ph.D student

I received my Bachelor's and Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2020 and 2023, respectively, at the University of Ferrara, Italy.
Currently, I am working in the MechVib Research Group at the University of Ferrara and my research activity focuses on the modeling and experimental validation of mechanical systems used in the transmissions of agricultural machines.

Youssef Balhouh

Research Assistant

I completed my Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ferrara in 2023.

I am currently pursuing my Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering while working as a research assistant in the MechVib Group, where my primary responsibilities involve modeling and simulating dynamic systems.

Giuseppe Dipace

Ph.D. student

I received my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ferrara, Italy. I am currently involved in a PhD program at the M.T. s.r.l. company in collaboration with the MechVib Research Group at the University of Ferrara. The PhD activity involves the development of monitoring/diagnostic/prognostic and predictive maintenance methodologies in tool holders. The project aims to develop an embedded TCM (Tool Condition Monitoring) system, which integrates a machine learning model, to monitor and diagnose the health conditions of the tool holders.

Past members

Marco del Favero

Modal analysis.

Alberto Gabrielli

Diagnosis and the prognosis of rolling-element bearings with defects.

Marco Schiavo

EOL testing and signal processing

Francesco Del Fonso

Non-linear modeling of gear pairs

Marco Polastri

Modelling of internal combustion engine and machines.

Davide Guerra

Developement of advanced methods for the simulation of volumetric pumps dynamic behaviour

Francesco Pizzolante

Development to model dynamic behaviour of complexes mechanicals systems

Giulio Gatti

Study design and development a new version of Delta robots

Giacomo D'Elia

Multi-axial vibration control testing

Stefano Mischiari

Reliability of tractors

Alessandra Lamenza

Reliability of tractors

Piero Gabberi

Business Process Re-Engineering and Digitalization towards the introduction of Industry 4.0 in SMEs

Elia Soave

Vibrational diagnostics and condition monitoring of rotating machines.

Federico Contro

Experimental Vibration

Marco Buzzoni

Vibrational diagnostics

Andrea Tosini

Accelerated dynamic tests

Gavagni Marco

Active noise and vibration control

Fenara Stefano

Experimental vibration

Mischiari Stefano

Experimental vibration

Pizzotti Simone

Numerical lumped parameter modelling

Lauritano Davide

Vibrational diagnostics

Venturi Valerio

Numerical lumped parameter modelling

Seppi Marco

Numerical lumped parameter modelling

Cavallari Marco

Vibrational diagnostics and numerical lumped parameter modelling

Fiorati Stefano

Experimental vibration

Tosi Gabriele

Numerical lumped parameter modelling

Agazzi Alessandro

Numerical lumped parameter modelling

Berlato Francesco

Vibrational diagnostics

Strozzi Matteo

Numerical modelling

Monco Giovanni

Multi-axial vibration control testing

Delvecchio Simone

Vibrational diagnostics


Vibrational diagnostics

Bertazzini Anna

Numerical lumped parameter modelling

Hamadache Moussa

Vibrational diagnostics

Zanellati Ludovico

Vibrational diagnostics

Abdel Kader Zrayka

Numerical modelling, experimental modal analysis

Alejandro Sanchez Sanchez

Modelling of faults in wind turbine

Vanni Lupato

Experimental testing

Zagato Nico

Experimental vibration

Edoardo Poggioli

Experimental testing

Matteo Occari

Numerical modelling

Malagò Marco

Vibrational diagnostics